Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where are all the parents?

How can it possibly be that are never parents on tv? like ever? except for FNL- which is awesome. And why am I watching one tree hill on glee night? Because Shea never comes home from work on time- that's why. But really- can you have a whole Thanksgiving episode on a 20ish character show and no one goes home to visit their parents?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gnomes and Sailors oh my!

As it turns out I am horrible blogger- but you already knew that.

I know- its been ages. But I have been busy. Excuses over. Here is what I have been up to-
Homecoming- it really did rock- weather was fantastic. I saw some really great friends, ran a successful write in campaign for Alumni Band Board and won 2nd place in the costume contest. Once again- I can never thank my mom enough- I have never in my WHOLE life had a store bought costume. Therefore I have always done pretty dang well in costume contests. Yay craftiness.
Elections 2010- I managed to figure out same day registration at my polling place. I only threw a small tantrum when I did not receive an "I voted" sticker. I watched election coverage all evening- and it wasn't even a homework assignment, super adult of me I thought.
Apartment Shopping- my lease is up at the end of December here. And while I will be sad to bid my roommate adieu I am actually pretty stoked to have my own place again- and enough closet space for all my stuff.  Plus a den! Can you imagine the awesomeness when I instead refer to it as my Library- or Office???? Finally someplace to hang that really expensive diploma!
P.S. Family members-I am working my Christmas list- are you?
P.P.S- Non-family members that love me thisssssssssssssssssss much you can have my Christmas list too!