Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Reality Roundup...
Project Runway- this week on the runway contestants were designing maternity wear for Rebbecca Romijn (I cannot resist saying in my head Stamos). Again another reminder of how long ago this season was filmed- Rebbecca had those twins in December, and she frankly didn't look all to huge last night (don't judge my huge comment, she was carrying twins). I was surprised that not everyone complained and bitched as much as they usually do whenever they have to make clothing for non-models (to be fair RR is a model, and also apparently a real celebrity- I will give her that). Usually the "Real Women" challenge is awesome; filled with complaining- like no one could ever imagine making clothing for any non size 0 woman ever. And if we are really lucky someone will make someone else mother cry. No such luck last night. We only got models with bellies. I liked all of the top three. And agreed with the bottom three. I was just a tad surprised that they kicked off two quirky kooky people two weeks in a row. Usually the kept one crazy around just to dramatic value. So far I would have to level and say Top Chef is kicking Project Runways butt. What are your thoughts?
Film Friday

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Best Movie Music...EVER

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Please Stop.... Please
A&E mini-series and various other versions brought to screen. I love it. Ironically it isn't my favorite work of Jane Austen- but it was the first one I discovered and therefore the one I have the most, for lack of a better word, stuff for. I cannot even begin to tell you how many follow ups, or continuations I have read for P&P it is definitely in the double digits. Some I love, some I hate, some I just read. But all I can say now is: Please, people, please stop.... please
Why oh why must Mr. Darcy, Vampyre exist? Amanda Grange has been knocked down several million steps in my estimation: I have read several of her books- she usually writes a Diary for each of the male hero's of Miss Austen. And I enjoyed them, didn't OMG love them, but enjoyed them for sure. But it seems that everyone, everyone has to jump on the freaking Vampire bandwagon. I am done with it. Yes I read all of the twilight saga, yes I read (well started- because Kelsey still has my copy) Pride and Prejudice and Zoombies, Yes I read a book were Darcy and Elizabeth are detectives. But no more people, no more. Why can't Mr. Darcy just be Mr. Darcy?????
Oh and really what is with all the freaking Vampires???? Are literally agents just jumping on any book that involves them?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thank the lords of Reality TV (competition series)
Fall Thursday night line up:
7:00 - Bones, hr (Fox)
8:00- The Office, 1/2 hr (NBC)
8:00- Grey's Anatomy, hr (ABC)
8:00- Fringe, hr (FOX) - currently in last spot for the DVR line
9:00- It's always Sunny, 1/2 hr (FX)
9:00- Project Runway, hr (Lifetime)
This is crazy right? CRAZY..... Scheduling Gods- change something pronto!
I have a few more weeks before I need to seriously start worrying about my DVR's ability but this will be stressful.
Anywho- Top Chef- I heart you. I loved, loved, LOVED Top Chef Masters- and Awesomely Zooey Deschannel was a guest once! Top Chef Las Vegas already looks to be super awesome, I think I am going to be enjoying it!
What are your favorites? Are you a Project Runway fan or a Top Chef fan??
Happy Birthday Kelsey!
Film Friday

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Chi-town take 2
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Film Friday

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
the others
Film Friday