It is Reality Roundup time again!
Top Chef- it was a french themed week- originally I thought my little Mattin (the French Guy with the the neckcorcheif) was going to rock it, being French and all, but mostly the only complement he got was on his ability to speak French- plus it turns out he got wasted on his birthday! YAY!
Now to the acutal competition- The quickfire was a high stakes, but no money was involved instead the loser was going home! Everyone had to work with the one French delicacy that isn't hitting it big in the US- Snails. Jen points out they are easy to mess up. All ladies in the bottom three again (leading to the fact only ladies have been eliminated so far). There is a cook-off and Jesse goes home. The top three are Jen, Kevin and Mike I.(the mad one from last week) Kevin wins- turns out he doesn't have to cook in the elimination challenge instead he gets to enjoy the with the rest of the judges. (Side note- I love Hubert Keller- please make him the judge on every single challenge from now on!) The rest of the chefs team up the protein and sauce options. The top two teams- Jen and Mike V. (the Brother) and Bryan and Mike I. (the mad one)- Bryan wins for his trout. (that makes two elimination wins for Bryan) After a few weeks the top teams have been consistent- the mike's, Bryan, Jen and Kevin. Magically this time a man goes home- mostly for his poor meat cutting skills- Gale Simmons got a bad cut and made sure everyone knew. Bye Bye Hector- now we are down to only 2 chefs I can't understand when they talk!

Jennifer Rade- Most awesome guest judge
Project Runway- Finally a show that I got into.
This week the clients were the models and they needed an outfit to standout at an industry party. This has been done in seasons past but this time I wonder if it was done just to make Model's of the Runway more exciting. The promos for this week were completely dramatic- the show didn't quite live up to it all- but what I did love love love were the guest judges this week. Heidi was the only regular judge- instead we had Marc Brower, Zoe Glassner, and Jennifer Rade. Can I say that I would love for Zoe and Jen to come back every week? They both said what really needed to be said- especially Jen- I love her comment about why the model wasn't a designer "thank god". And she is possibly the only reason Logan didn't go home- mentioning how cute his pants and shoes, and well he was. Athela won with a cute 3 piece suit that only a model can pull off- the bottom three- Logan, Johnny, and Qristol- got mostly comments about their prom/bridesmaid/old looks. Qristol ends up going home.
What do you think? Did the runway live up to the promo hype? Were the judges awesome? Did the right people pack their knives?
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