So I finally took the plunge- I moved season one of Lost up to the top of my netflix queue- and last Wednesday disc one arrived. Can I say? Why the heck haven't I been watching this show? It is like ludicrous. I mean it is freaking me out. Ok- I will level with everyone I am the type of person who will read episode recaps without even watching the tv show in question. Last spring I started reading some of the recaps for Lost- and OMG can we say crazies? everyone has a conspiracy theory- there is this thing about the numbers, the magic powers of the island. I mean intense crazy stuff. People are passionate about this show- like no doubt. I kept reading people's status updates about how Lost was totally confusing etc. and really I thought "you know what? I am a smart person, I bet if I watched this show from the beginning I would have totally figured it out by now." I was so freaking deluded- I don't even know where to begin. IT IS CRAZY- but in like a really awesome way. I have no idea how people are keeping track of the number situation- because I am 12 episodes in- and all I have picked up on is- the flight number and how many survivors are left (and I know about most of the theories going into it) everyone else must be watching and re-watching a lot. Mostly I want more Sawyer- talking to anyone but especially Kate I would even settle for him silently fighting with Jack. There are so many characters and story lines. I am pretty sure I am going to do a lot of Lost watching this summer. All and all I am super happy I picked starting to watch Lost over 24 or Heroes- At least with Lost I know the last season will be this year's so once I catch up I will only have a few months to wait for answers. The people that watch 24 go all crazy every week because everything is always a cliffhanger. I couldn't handle an infinite amount of cliffhangers before me. I need to be able to see the end.
I LOVE LOST! Let me join you!
Anytime Kelsey- it looks sweet on my bluray
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