You might ask- Lynne why in the world is there a foot ladder in your bathroom? Hmmm great question. Poor answer. Last week- while I waited for more things to go wrong- someone sent me the gift of the bathroom overhead light going on the fritz. This made it pretty dark (the vanity lights were still working) It is interesting to take a shower when you can't tell if you are using shampoo or conditioner. Mostly it would just flicker. Like if I could only throw my hairbrush hard enough at it it would magically turn back on. Sunday after a few days of darkness I finally gave up hope and lugged the ladder in to measure for new light bulbs. (but not until after I tried to eyeball it and then use the measuring tape from the floor first) After returning home with the goods (my new lights) I attempted to change the lights. Yes that is right attempted. I tried and tried and tried to figure out how to open the light panel. And than I tried some more. To no avail I cannot get this freaking thing open. But like magic it doesn't matter- the light corrects itself and turns all the way on. At first I don't buy it, like why after days and days of waiting, and banging would you finally turn back on? Personally I don't judge magic- if it is magic, its magic. That is all I need to know. But being paranoid/superstitious I refuse to move the ladder, because I know in my heart of hearts as soon as I do that light will go out. Like the magic is based on pressure points in the floor. Again I don't judge- but that ladder needs to stay there. Which is odd, because my bathroom isn't very big, and because I am probably the most clumsy person you know. Oh and because that ladder has to be in the smack dab middle of my very tiny bathroom. But again I don't judge magic.
1 comment:
thanks :) i think i'm starting to go crazy!
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