Friday, July 31, 2009
Film Friday

Why I am a bad browser....
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Trying to trust others....
the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
tuesdays with Morrie (an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson) by Mitch Albom
A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The Feast of Love by Charles Baxter
The Breakdown Lane by Jacquelyn Mitchard
the perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Possession by A.S. Byatt
Yes I can count- I know this is only 7 and I said 15- but the others, well they are not on the table yet. I will let you know when they come into play. Leave a comment, leave some love!
"I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley
Justine brings along her new boyfriend, Trevor. Trevor the investment banker who is not an actual investment banker but works in finance. Since this is the only money-oriented job you come remotely close to grasping, you call everyone who works on Wall Street an "investment banker." You think he actually does something with hedge funds. Trims them, maybe.
The story of how she locked herself out of two different apartments in one day and spent over 500 dollars trying to get back in- charmed me. This is something I will do in a later life for sure. And her recollections of finding out she was named after a movie character and her and her mother's totally lack of connection to anything this character stands for. Pure magic. And as you know I don't have a habit of questioning magic. Read it!
Willing it into happening....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Must have been glamorizing cleaning again...

Monday, July 27, 2009
Ahead of my deadline....
Happy 3rd Birthday Emily!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Things are happening!
Yeah. Anywho- this means I resorted to one of the many "smart looking" books I keep around. You know the ones you are willing to put on the bookshelf in the living room (not the other one you hide in your bedroom) because when people browse them you can go "Oh, yes I just love Dicken's later works." And therefore when you read them with your "smart looking" glasses and a glass of red wine you feel better about who you are.
Well I started reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell- it has been on the bookshelf for a few months at least, I bought it after I watched the mini-series (like 5 times, in a row) but never got around to getting past chapter one. Which frankly is like the first 20 seconds of the mini-series (so not progress). Well ladies and gents- I freaking made progress. If we were watching the mini-series we would be about halfway through episode 3 (out of 4)- and as Liz Lemon would say "Things are happening!" (you practically yell the happening part) Now if I can just not get distracted by Lost ( two more discs have arrived), sleep or the internet, I may have a finished book by Tuesday.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Film Friday

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Film Friday

What more could I ask for in my first blu-ray movie? Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Joss Weddon- this is a pretty awesome combo. I had seen the movie before- but only streaming from netflix. Blu-ray blows it away. Freaking sweet- I haven't delved into the bonus features yet - still way into Lost (watching 4 hours of that everyday doesn't give me much free time). But it rocked.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Totally Lost....

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Film Friday

So to be honest the only reason this movie ever ended up in my netflix queue- is that it was mentioned repeatedly in the movie I love you, man. I was intrigued why it was the best movie ever- and how guys could watch it and cry. Turns out it is pretty good. I enjoyed it, but no crying. If you haven't seen it yet I would say it is worth trying to catch on cable. And all the chocolate looks beyond delicious!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I have no idea....

Hello SyFy- please don't suck

Let's be honest, I only watched this show because I loved Eddie McClintock on the show Bones- except I had to hate his character because he was dating Temperance Brennan and we all know that was 100% not ok. Also what is great is- Eddie is essentially playing the exact same character as on Bones- Federal Agent (check) I little be free spirited (check) Comic relief (check). But I want to like this show, mostly for reasons that it is the summer and nothing else is on. But also because I feel like I gave old Eddie a bad shake- hopping he would leave Bones and never come back. So please SyFy- don't suck. I like the premiere, but didn't love it. I can probably script out the next 5 seasons on this show too- they aren't doing anything that hasn't been done before. I still want to like it. I just do. Let's think positive everybody.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Some people might call this progress....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Flim Friday

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - I can sum this one up easily: If you liked the 1st movie you will like this one. It was a little long (as in really long). But I was entertained.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Because this is how my brain works...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Free Willy
So in my house, we didn't get a lot of R&B or Urban music exposure. (Go figure, what, we us being the whitest people ever) Essentially if it wasn't on the oldies radio station or in a Disney movie, I didn't hear it. Sorry artists I did not independently discover you until I was at least 12- and even then I didn't listen to good music until high school. But the first time I do remember hearing Michael was at the end of the Free Willy movie. Remember that? First off Free Willy gave me a lot of conflicting information: 1) If you are a homeless street thug an awesome family will totally adopt you- and give you a new blue backpack. 2) Graffiti- actually a good thing, because if you do it, you will get to end up working with a killer whale. 3) If you work with a troubled Killer Whale (who lives in a too small tank) you (and the killer whale) will totally will become BFF's! 4) Crime pays- Graffiti (mentioned above), and stealing a Killer Whale, kids please don't worry about jail time- just Free Willy!
But yeah- it has been years and years and years, but I am pretty positive that Michael sings a song at the end of that movie. I want to say he is standing on a break between the beach and the ocean- and then a huge wave crashes over him. It moved me, like no song ever could to a third grader. This was an innocent time- yes Michael's appearance was probably already really weird, but he sang and Willy was free. It was years before I purposely listened to another Michael Jackson song. This week I was shocked to discover his vast catalog. Anyway- great artist yes, but he hasn't made any great music in a decade, so I will just continue to youtube your oldies.