Friday, June 26, 2009

My dad is a Librarian...

So I recently added a currently reading (1), and books I have read in '09 section to the side of my blog. I feel guilty everyday that I still have Pride and Prejudice and Zombies under the currently section. It isn't like I am not reading it - cause I am, sort of, the problem is I like to read 4 or 5 books simultaneously. Really this is a lot easier and more valuable then you think. For instance if I were to be in a job interview and get asked what was the last book I read- I could answer North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and not have to say the Unauthorized biography of Britney Spears. See I am not evening lying- cause I am reading them all- at the same time! This comes in handy so many times you would be amazed. But it makes me feel like everyone who reads my blog thinks I am like the slowest reader ever.... because you know I am not making enough progress on the Zombie book. And really- I am a good reader. Really. My dad is a librarian! (I say this with conviction like it means something) I am hoping to make some more progress reading this weekend, I am at least halfway through 3 out of the 6 books I have in rotation currently! What I do have to admit is when a book hooks me, I rarely let anything else get in the way. I am notorious for choosing reading over sleep (and this is coming from someone who really likes sleep), I can usually knock out a 300 page book in about 16 hours- if I want to.
(1)- I thought I cleverly titled this section: What!?! I read. (As in don't be shocked I freakin read) But sometimes I look at it and think people will see What I read (As in what I am currently reading) Maybe my perceived cleverness doesn't translate over the Internet....

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