Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Movie Review

Ok so I occasionally read a blog of a writer I really like and every Friday she does the Friday Five. I think she must be super similar to me, a lot of her posts have to do with pop culture and what she is watching on tv. But every Friday she makes quick posts about five different things, so I think I am going to try to keep up with weekly movie reviews. I recently got addicted to netflix so at least at this point I am watching one new movie a week. This week I watched Zach and Miri Make a Porno and Rent: Filmed live on Broadway. Not going to review Rent (because a lot of people have seen the theatrical version) but if you have never seen or heard all the songs in the stage musical it is pretty good. On to Zach and Miri. A couple of things about Zach and Miri- one- I a long time fan of Kevin Smith (but disappointed with some of his latest efforts- Jersey Girl anyone?) two- the cast seemed like a dream (Seth Rogen- so funny, Craig from the office (yes!) Some classics from other Kevin Smith films and Elizabeth Banks. The plot is basically the age old question- Can a guy and girl be friends - or is sex going to get in the way. And this movie handled it the same way they always do. The main characters spent the whole time telling everyone and themselves that they were just friends, which of course was obviously not true. There were some funny jokes, and surprisingly not as much gross out humor as you would think based on the title. But for me it all lost steam towards the end. On netflix i gave it 3 out of 5 stars. I like Kevin Smith films more when he had no money to make them. I feel like Craig R. was way under utilized - I love him in everything else, he just seemed boring in this one. And I felt that the end was just slapped together. ( I haven't checked out the special features yet- usually my favorite part of the movie- so if they improve my rated I will update everyone later.)

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